Actor Raj Kiran, who has worked in many superhit films including ‘Bulandi’ ‘Karz’, ‘Ghar Ho To Aisa’, ‘Teri Mehranbaniya’, has been anonymous for years. Raj used to be a part of almost every film of the 80s. No one knows when the darkness fell in the life of Raj Kiran, who once shone like the sun. The story of Mayanagari is similar. This is a world where everyone salutes the rising sun and no one even sees the setting sun.

As long as Raj was in films, everyone asked him, welcomed him, but when the ties with films broke, the people of the industry also threw Raj Kiran out of their life, just like someone takes out a fly from the milk and throws it. When Raj Kiran needed his family the most, no one was with him. His family left him.

Raj Kiran has done more than 100 films in his career. He not only worked as a supporting actor but also acted as a lead actor in many films. According to some reports, he has gone mad now. Raj Kiran’s full name is Raj Kiran Mehtani. His fans in India consider him missing for many years because no one has much information about him.

Actually Rajkiran had fallen into depression during the ups and downs of his film career. Meanwhile, his family had also betrayed him, since then he had lost his mental balance. Years ago, Deepti Naval saw him driving a taxi in America. In 2011, Rishi Kapoor found out about him and found out that Raj Kiran is in a mental asylum in America.

Rajkiran’s wife said that her husband was missing for many years. Search for him is going on. Shekhar Suman’s serial reporter was last seen on Raj Kiran TV in 1994. Some say that due to lack of films, he went into depression and some say that his family took away all his property. No one knows what is the truth, but a star has become somewhere in the midst of the glare of cinema.


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